Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation with 2 day community practicum

Event Details

Do you or your staff know how to organize a workshop so that every voice is heard and that address key evaluation topics in less than 3 hours? Can you engage clients in a meaningful, participatory process?

If you answered no or are unsure, it’s time to update your skills and/or that of your staff in Evaluation and RBM by giving voice to your clients and to vulnerable populations. Workshop participants learn practical tools and methods that decision-makers and practitioners can use to make their programme more responsive, evidence-based and participatory. Join us this July! Note, early bird prices still in effect this month only.
Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation with 2.5 day Community Practicum
Held at: University of Ottawa , Ottawa , Canada
July 15-20, 2019
There is increasing evidence showing that evaluation practices that are participatory and inclusive as possible lead to recommendations that have a better probability of being implemented and adopted. Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation (PM&E) involves a different approach to project monitoring and evaluation by involving local people, project stakeholders, and development agencies deciding together about how to measure results and what actions should follow once this information has been collected and analyzed. This popular and intensive six-day experiential workshop is practically focused with daily excursions into the community and a three-day community assignment with a community based organization. Topics covered at the workshop include Origins of PM&E, Skills and Attributes of a PM&E facilitator, Learning PM&E tools, Designing a monitoring and evaluation framework, Quantitative and Qualitative Indicators, Using Mixed-methods, How to triangulate your findings, Building Action Plans and much more. A three day community practicum with an Ottawa non-profit organization will enable you to actually practice the tools learned in the workshop in a real life setting. More information is available at our website at:

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