Getting Started with Search Engine Optimization

Event Details

Google search can be an excellent ‘free’ source of traffic to your website. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of increasing the number of people who find your website on Google and other search engines. The challenge is that the SEO process can seem overwhelming and it’s hard to understand where to start.

In this session we’ll cover the beginning of the SEO process, explaining basic steps you can take to make sure Google knows about your site and sends relevant visitors to your content.

This 90 minute workshop will take the mystery out of search engine optimization, using free tools to show you how to improve your performance with Google and other search engines.

You will learn:

– The basics of search engine optimization: search terms, indexing and links

– How and why Google shows your website to people searching online

– Next steps to improve your chances of showing up on search results pages, and having users click through to your site

– The “Core Web Vitals” from Google and what it means for your website search results

You will receive:

– A step-by-step plan to improve the visibility of your website in Google search, using free tools (Google Search Console, Google Keyword Planner, etc.)

This workshop is a good fit for you if:

– You have a website that has been established for a few years, with regular updates of original content

– You would like to appear in more search results for a few key words and phrases associated with your mission

– You can invest a few hours in understanding and improving the visibility of your website in search results

– This session is created for organizations with WordPress websites, but the techniques and concepts are applicable to any content management system.

You will get the most out of this workshop if you can spend about 45 minutes to prepare before the workshop, enabling free SEO tools and viewing some introductory content.
